20 career change tips

20 career change tips
Career change can feel daunting at the best of times, let alone in a downturn. What better way to get tips than from people who have already changed career. Here are 20 tips from people who have successfully made a career change.
1. Use your network to get a warm introduction to the decision maker
2. Anything is possible if you desire it enough but it takes planning and realistic expectations
3. Make time to do research and understand a new career and sector
4. Think about what you really want and if it is to do work you are passionate about or just have another job
5. Evaluate your short, medium and long term financial commitments
6. Evaluate your current finances for ‘survivability’
7. Think about what you would do in a ‘worst case’ situation
8. Don’t put yourself in ‘a box’ – open your eyes to new opportunities
9. Believe in yourself and stay determined
10. Research new career choices so you understand barriers to entry, competition and future career prospects
11. Check whether you are likely to face the same challenges and frustrations in your new career as your old career, so ‘jumping from the frying pan into the fire’
12. Unless you have money saved up and you can afford to take time off, don’t leave your job with nothing to go to until you have thought everything through
13. Be clear if you are running away from or towards something
14. Analyse your current position and why you want to leave it
15. Know your strengths and weaknesses and what type of environment, work schedule and activities you like to do
16. Think about what would make you happy, give you meaning and purpose and make you jump out of bed every day
17. Remember that career change is a process
18. Keep an open mind to what the future will hold and what unexpected opportunities may present themselves
19. Make sure your desire to change your career is not projection of frustration in another area of your life e.g. personal relationship
20. If you can, go indirectly to the decision maker and bypass HR who can have a ‘ruling out’ mentality, especially as they are overwhelmed by hundreds of CVs
With a busy job/life, all these things can be a lot to take in/make time for, especially as you are so close to yourself. That is why working with a career coach and strategist can help you to make it happen and give you support and practical advice in a safe setting and objective and confidential way. It is bit like having an event or wedding planner help you. They support you to create a great and positive result.

Sian Buckler Cert REC | Management Consultant / Associate Director

Tel: 07538083873
Email: sbuckler@bondrecruitment.com
Web: www.bondrecruitment.com
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